Photoshop, 30 mins.
The Wrecker © Marvel Comics
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Daily Sketch Challenge- Shang-Chi
I've never heard of this guy until today, for some reason I was reminded of those old Samurai Shodown ink and brush paintings of their characters so I though I should do something to that effect.
Photoshop, 30 mins.
Shang-Chi © Marvel Comics
Photoshop, 30 mins.
Shang-Chi © Marvel Comics
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Daily Sketch Challenge- Gentleman Ghost
Daily Sketch Challenge entry for Gentleman Ghost. I wish I made him sipping tea or something.
Photoshop, 30 mins.
Gentleman Ghost © DC Comics
Photoshop, 30 mins.
Gentleman Ghost © DC Comics
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
We Are The Gank Squad
The Gank Squad: a team of antagonists that oppose The Bullet Symphony. If you can guess what I based these guys on, you are awesome. These guys are tasked by Japan's "Tetsujin" project to retrieve Tsume from The Bullet Symphony. They wear a specialized suit crawling with nanomachines that can increase their strength and speed.
I created this with the intent of challenging myself to create a new character every 30 minutes.
The Gank Squad is (From L-R):
Mozart: Not his real name. The Gank Squad's Assault specialist. Rifles and flashbangs o'clock. A real hardass, but likes sweet (often girly) desserts.
Bach: Not his real name. The Gank Squad's screen clearing heavy weapons specialist. Missiles, Cannons, if it's big, he's probably using it. Wires most of his pay to his wife and kids, they think he's a businessman.
Tchaikovsky: Not his real name. Team leader and melee weapons/ recon specialist. Rumored to hail from an esteemed Samurai family. A brilliant tactician that enables the team to come out victorious despite their paltry number. His teammates suspect that he is a cyborg since no one has seen him outside his suit.
We Are The Bullet Symphony
The Bullet Symphony, an old idea I had years ago. I created this with the intent of challenging myself to create a new character every 30 minutes.
The Bullet Symphony is (from L-R):
Mr. Gray - Middle-aged Scottish badass with a modified claymore/sub-machine gun wtf hybrid weapon. Team leader. Has a moustache.
Dr. Paolo: Italian ex-Il Nono paratrooper. Very obsessed with knives. Has a butterfly knife he named 'Floriana' that he got from being deployed in the Philippines. Oh yeah, he's a fucking doctor.
Tsume: The newest recruit. Escapee of Japan's "Tetsujin'" project where select special agents are brainwashed and subjected to nanomachine conditioning. Can use his nanomachines to make his skin as hard as a diamond. Personally trained by Mr. Gray (which explains his handgun/sword wtf weapon). Usually cool and collected but afraid of heights. Has a cat named 'Big'.
Benny Gao: Ex-PLA Spec Ops from China. Carries over a dozen revolvers under his coat. An amazing martial artist and an accomplished chef. Likes Dieter...I mean, REALLY likes him.
Dieter: Rich German long-range sharpshooter and former fashion model. Modelling career ended when a hit was placed on his head resulting on the scarred face he now bears. Chain-smoker and quick to anger, but it somehow does not affect his aim. Obsessed with Soccer. Names his bullets. Scared of Benny Gao.
Yanin: A reconnaissance genius. Extremely adept at disguises and changing her voice. Can speak many languages. Has a photographic memory and an accomplished artist. Likes Tsume, but she's allergic to cats.
Annika: Nobel-Prize winning chemist. She was saved by Mr. Gray when her life was threatened by assassins. The resulting battle unleashed her experimental bio-chemical weapons throughout her home, killing her family. Still bearing a hit on her head, Mr. Gray helps her fake her death and she joins The Bullet Symphony. Annika is not her real name, only Mr. Gray knows who she really is. She's often locked away in her lab working on strange concoctions that may assist the team. Her latest creation is the Love Bomb. A gas bomb that makes people very...affectionate towards each other.
Charlie Brown: Not his real name. Engineer and heavy weapons lover. He enjoys creating customized weapons for the team and himself. He uses his ginormous pair of Gatling-Tonfas to waste fools as if they were flies. He is an extreme survivalist and can make do in the wilderness for weeks armed with only a paper clip and gum. He does not speak English and usually prefer to speak to his teammates through his eyes. No one really knows what language he's speaking.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Daily Sketch Challenge- Damon Salvatore
Daily Sketch Challenge entry for Damon Salvatore knocking at your door from "The Vampire Diaries". I saw the show once with Jennie, apparently the vampires cannot enter a room unless invited. I know that's from one of the older vampire myths, but...its pretty dumb. Well at least they don't glitter in the s....
Photoshop, 30 mins.
Damon Salvatore © L.J. Smith
Photoshop, 30 mins.
Damon Salvatore © L.J. Smith
Daily Sketch Challenge- Wembley Fraggle
I've never seen the show but I had heard of it and can hum the themesong for some reason.
I had plenty of time leftover after plotting the pose, therefore colors and special effects before the 30 min timer went off!
Photoshop, 30 mins.
Wembley Fraggle © The Jim Henson Company
Friday, August 20, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Kamen Rider Phobos Concept

An early concept for Kamen Rider Phobos, predecessor to Kamen Rider Deimos.
He uses a Rider-Brace instead of a Rider-Belt to transform and to store his Holocards. I will most likely use a chrome-ish or silver color scheme to be reminiscent of preproduction or unpainted vehicles to further play with the prototype feel of the character.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Kamen Rider Deimos Concept II
Daily Sketch Challenge- Magneto
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Hell Gunfighter Dogram Rough
Kamen Rider Deimos Concept

Kamen Rider Deimos, a concept that popped into my head while downloading Kamen Rider 555, a Kamen Rider show that I've yet to watch.
I was thinking of astrological/ mystical/ high technology themes I suppose and named this character Deimos after one of Mars' moons (yes, there will be a Kamen Rider Phobos too, I just need to design him later Haha).
The mystical portion of the theme comes from the Holocards that he can use which are based on Tarot cards (Justice, Tower, Fortitude, Moon, etc.). These Holocards are displayed through his Riderbelt. There are three types of Holocards: Fusion- Endows Deimos with increased strength, agility, speed, etc., Weapon- Summons weapons, and Final- Primes Special Finishing Attacks. Once he chooses a card, his Riderbelt will display it's symbol and he can slide it Ipad style onto his arms, knees, feet, chest, or head panels. For example, the Holocard Chariot, when slid onto the feet panels will increase running speed significantly. When slid onto the arms, punching and arm movement speed in general increases. When slid onto the head, thinking process is incredibly sped up. When slid onto the chest overall speed is increased in both body and mind but not as powerful compared to when it's concentrated on one body part.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Metal on Metal: Anvil The Video Game

For my storytelling class, we were asked to design a video game based on one of the documentaries that we watched. Anvil!: The Story of Anvil was chosen for my group.
Brief level descriptions:
Toronto, Canada:
“We are Anvil!” - A tutorial level and first gig.
“Hard ‘N’ Heavy” – Brutal Age Records have taken notice. Gather more fans!
“Test Your Might” – Brutal Age CEO signs you up for a tour in Sweden and Japan. Take flight and prove your worth and secure that contract!
Norje (Sölvesborg), Sweden:
“An Axe to Grind” – Rival band, Beardkiller, is introduced. They are also after the Brutal Age Records Contract. There can be only one! They steal your money while you perform!
“Swedish Meatballs to the Walls” – Stranded with no money and an impenetrable language barrier, use the power of metal and do some quick odd-jobs to gain cash and fund your way out to the next venue.
“…And My AXE!” – You made it to the next venue, melt faces and gain some fans, Tokyo awaits!
Tokyo, Japan:
“Domo Arigato Where’s my Guittarru?!” – Arrive at Tokyo International Airport. While doing some promotional work, a crazed fan steal Lips’ prized guitar. Do some detective work, hunt him down!
“Wangan Highway Battarru!” – The crazed fan is a street racing enthusiast. Challenge him to a race and win back Lips’ guitar before the show.
“Metal on Metal” – Burn-Up Metal festival! Beardkiller front-man is revealed to be a robot from the future sent back in time to prevent Anvil from rising to awesomeness. Final duel commences with the rival band, Beardkiller. The winner takes the contract!
“We are Anvil!” - A tutorial level and first gig.
“Hard ‘N’ Heavy” – Brutal Age Records have taken notice. Gather more fans!
“Test Your Might” – Brutal Age CEO signs you up for a tour in Sweden and Japan. Take flight and prove your worth and secure that contract!
Norje (Sölvesborg), Sweden:
“An Axe to Grind” – Rival band, Beardkiller, is introduced. They are also after the Brutal Age Records Contract. There can be only one! They steal your money while you perform!
“Swedish Meatballs to the Walls” – Stranded with no money and an impenetrable language barrier, use the power of metal and do some quick odd-jobs to gain cash and fund your way out to the next venue.
“…And My AXE!” – You made it to the next venue, melt faces and gain some fans, Tokyo awaits!
Tokyo, Japan:
“Domo Arigato Where’s my Guittarru?!” – Arrive at Tokyo International Airport. While doing some promotional work, a crazed fan steal Lips’ prized guitar. Do some detective work, hunt him down!
“Wangan Highway Battarru!” – The crazed fan is a street racing enthusiast. Challenge him to a race and win back Lips’ guitar before the show.
“Metal on Metal” – Burn-Up Metal festival! Beardkiller front-man is revealed to be a robot from the future sent back in time to prevent Anvil from rising to awesomeness. Final duel commences with the rival band, Beardkiller. The winner takes the contract!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
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