Thursday, December 9, 2010

Daily Sketch Challenge- Rocket Raccoon

Rocket Raccoon from Marvel Comics. A pretty random character to come from Marvel's stable, that being said I know almost nothing about the character except he seems like some sort of space raccoon that uses guns, which is pretty awesome.
Now that school is done (for now), I've been spending my time working on personal pieces as well as focusing on job hunting and tidying up the house. One of my professors were impressed with my work so I emailed him if he knew any place that may be hiring right now. But as usual, I'm roaming around Animation World Network and Gamasutra and also Monster and NWJobs for backup work cause I need to get some income flowing.
Now, to make some Kimchi Fried Rice!

Photoshop, 37 mins.

Rocket Raccoon © Marvel Comics

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